Classic Pilates group training
Din genvej til en smertefri krop
Our classes are small and intimate with a maximum of 8 participants, ensuring you receive plenty of personal attention and support to get the most out of your workout. We primarily use your own body weight during the session but also incorporate various equipment such as the Magic Circle, dumbbells, and foam rollers when we want to challenge or support you in the exercises. Whatever your level, we guide you confidently through the session with a focus on balance, strength, and flexibility. We can't wait to welcome you onto the mat!

The Benefits of Group Training
Joining group classes at Frog Pilates offers you a range of unique benefits. Our small classes with a maximum of 8 participants ensure that you get a focused and personal exercise experience. The instructor can give each attendee individual attention, making sure that exercises are done correctly and safely.
Hvorfor virker det?
Melt Method arbejder med kroppens naturlige evne til at hele og regenerere. Metoden hjælper med at:
Lindre smerter i ryg, nakke, skuldre, hofter og led.
Forbedre din kropsholdning og give dig en mere afslappet og afbalanceret holdning.
Mindske stress ved at berolige dit nervesystem.
Forbedre din bevægelighed og gøre din krop mere fleksibel og let.
Booste din træning – en sund bindevævsstruktur kan hjælpe dig med at få mere ud af din pilates, løb eller styrketræning.
Work out from the comfort of your living room
Classic Pilates is known for its many benefits, regardless of your level or life situation. With Frog Pilates online group classes, you can now enjoy all these perks from the comfort of your own home. Our live group sessions make it easy to incorporate Pilates into your daily routine, without worrying about travel time or finding a parking space.
Sådan ser en Melt-session ud
Når du kommer til en Melt-workshop hos mig i Frog Pilates, guider jeg dig igennem enkle, men virkningsfulde øvelser med Melt-bolde og -ruller. Vi arbejder med små bevægelser, tryk og stræk, der hjælper bindevævet med at genfinde sin naturlige elasticitet. Du vil mærke en forskel allerede efter første gang – de fleste oplever mindre spænding, mere mobilitet og en følelse af at være "grounded" i kroppen.
Invest in your health
Come and discover what classic Pilates can do for your body and mind. We're excited to welcome you to our Pilates studio in Nørrebro, where we can work together towards a stronger, healthier, and more balanced body. Sign up for one of our small classes and feel the difference today.
Som Melt Method-certificeret instruktør i både Hand and Foot og Level One kan du også finde mig på Melt Internationals hjemmeside, besøg for at dykke endnu længere ned i metoden.